Takahashi Foundation

The executive of MinebeaMitsumi Group forwards corporate strategies as working guideline to all employees that “we shall not create pollution”, “we shall not disrupt environment” and “we shall respect local culture and contribute to the future development of local community” Therefore, Minebea always binds these strategies to business operation.

To commemorate the 10th Anniversary, MinebeaMitsumi would like to contribute to local community, The executives agreed to donate 20 million baht as a register capital for establishing a foundation for supporting students who lack of studying budget in Thailand, because Education is the most important foundation of sustained development but there are still handful of Thai younger lose the opportunity. “Takahashi Foundation” is honorably named for Mr. Takami Takahashi, the founder of MinebeaMitsumi Group. The foundation had invited the leading educational intellectuals and Chief Executive Officer from Ministry of Education and the Commission of Higher Education to manage the operation.

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